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PRP for Elbow Pain

Written By The Fix Medical on January 23, 2020

PRP Therapy in Tucson, Arizona The Fix Medical Chiropractic ClinicTennis elbow and golfer’s elbow are painful conditions that occur when the tendons of your elbows swell due to constant repetitive motions of the arms and wrists. Despite the name, these conditions aren’t limited to athletes – rock climbers, carpenters, landscapers, and even office workers can develop tennis elbow. 

Today, there’s a promising new treatment for this type of injury – Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. PRP therapy is an all-natural solution that relies on the body’s capability to regenerate and self-heal. 

How Does PRP Therapy Treat Tennis Elbow or Golfer’s Elbow?

PRP therapy is a non-surgical treatment for chronic tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries. 

The procedure will begin by drawing a small blood sample from your body, which is put in a special lab centrifuge and then spun to separate into three distinct layers. The topmost layer majorly consists of plasma, while the bottom layer is concentrated with red blood cells which transport nutrients and oxygen in the body. 

The middle layer is the platelet-rich plasma, which is carefully separated from the rest of the layers. It contains naturally occurring growth factors that stimulate cellular regeneration, accelerating the healing of injured soft tissues. 

Therefore, injecting this plasma into the affected soft tissues of the elbow will help initiate tissue repair and reduce pain. Since your blood is used, there’s no risk of rejection with this procedure. 

PRP Therapy for Golfer’s Elbow and Tennis Elbow in Tucson, AZ 

PRP therapy works by directly addressing the underlying condition as opposed to simply treating the symptoms. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with golfer’s or tennis elbow in Tucson, look no further than The Fix Medical. We’re a dedicated team of integrated medical professionals who work closely together to help your body heal itself. 

Ready for your PRP therapy in Tucson? Call us today at (520) 575-5833.

Posted In: Chiropractic PRP Therapy Elbow Pain