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A Multi-Tier Approach to Knee Pain

Written By The Fix Medical on October 9, 2019

Man runningAthletics. Arthritis. Age. No matter the cause, our skilled team of medical professionals can help eliminate knee pain entirely.

Throughout life, the knee joint handles a great deal of pressure and torsion – particularly in anyone actively engaged in sports or a physically-demanding job. For fully-integrated knee pain treatment in Tucson, look no further than The Fix Medical and we’ll help get your knee pain under control in no time.

Tailored Approach to Knee Discomfort

No two knees are exactly alike, and therefore no two treatment plans should be exactly identical. We look deeper into the root cause(s) of chronic knee pain and help each patient determine the course of treatment that will meet their goals quickly and comfortably.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

This first tier of treatment involves the minimally-invasive injection of a compound known as hyaluronic acid directly into the source of pain. This acid is naturally occurring and typically found in the joint as a lubricating agent. However, the addition of this acid via injection can actually lessen pain, particularly in those suffering from osteoporosis.

Regenerative Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma is an all natural option that relies on the body's own natural ability to self-heal and regenerate. PRP is a concentration of platelet cells and plasma providing growth factors and cytokines responsible for the repair process that occurs in the body.  Patients have no risk of rejection, as their own personal plasma is utilized for each treatment.  

Chiropractic Care and Physical Rehabilitation

Our primary goal in treating knee pain is identifying the underlying root cause of discomfort – not just treating the symptom. In addition to the therapies listed above, routine traditional chiropractic manipulation is often successful in reducing or eliminating knee pain. As well, patients who are consistent in attending physical rehabilitation will begin to increase knee strength while promoting mobility and a greater range of motion.

Call The Fix Medical For Knee Pain Treatment in Tucson

At The Fix Medical, we understand how agonizing knee pain can be and are here to help find the solution that fits your unique needs.

If you are interested in alternatives to surgery and prescription drugs to treat ongoing knee pain, give our Tucson-area office a call today at 520-575-5833.

Posted In: Chiropractic Knee Pain Treatment